Epiphany has been celebrated for centuries from Christmas (December 25th) to Epiphany Day (Three Kings Day). We’re celebrating the period with www.EpiphanyCalendar.com by having one last holiday sendoff with a party on the last night of Epiphany called Epiphany Eve! (It used to be called Twelfth Night!)
But let’s take it from the era of Shakespeare to the era of Swifties- let’s celebrate EPIEVE! Epi has many possible meanings: over, on, before, after, upon, outer, near, among, and on top of. It’s super easy to remember and type. What a great adaptable holiday name! Start getting your sequins, princess dresses, tuxes, top hats, and all manner of spiffy looks together because on January 5th, 2024, we’re celebrating the very first EPI EVE!