Our Ideal EpiEve™ Agenda

*Sleep in.

*Have a delicious brunch with loved ones (some places in Ireland have a “Women’s Christmas” lunch on Epiphany Day that might fit nicely here for your celebration but you do what works for you and your beloveds)! This is an excellent opportunity to bring and share leftover holiday treats!

*While at lunch, make sure to have some King’s cake- bonus points if your King’s Cake has a feve! If you win the feve, you bring the King’s Cake next year!

*Write down your regrets and guilt for the year (15 minutes only).

*Promise yourself to do better now that you know better then SHRED THEM INTO TINY PIECES (and if you can safely burn them, do so!)

*Write down you “misogi“- your ONE BIG THING that will define your year and post it somewhere you’ll see it every day. (Hat tip to Jesse Itzler!)

*Write down your goal word for the year and hang it with your misogi. (Hat tip #2 to Jesse Itzler!)

*Get dressed up for the gathering you’ll attend this evening be it a soiree, masquerade, dinner party, or kid focused event and the theme is “SPARKLE- because life is amazing”.

*Go to the event and enjoy it but don’t overindulge too much 🙂

*The event ends at nine. Go home and enjoy the last night of your holiday decorations in the darkness or go to a ten PM “holiday lights turn off” in a public space.

*10 PM: All public holiday lights go out. And this is GOOD: it’s the real start to the all of the wonderful things you’re going to do this year! Ceremonies are welcome, but not needed. An Irish goodbye is perfectly acceptable here.

*Safely head home and enjoy your holiday decorations for their last dark night of the season.

*Go to bed, grateful for everything. Write your gratitude lists as you’re taking down decorations tomorrow.